Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Response to Pearl Harbor Attack

this horrid news of the attack on Pearl Harbor has finally reached my area.Why would the Japanese do such a terrible act. Had they not been satisfied with attacking Manchuria? Also, why did it need to be on a Sunday, when the harbor was still asleep. If I could go to then, I would try to warn everyone in the area. Even if I was too late, I would fight for them. The Japanese would not stop, they kept coming. As if it were an awry game. Please, Hideki Tojo, stop your forces from causing much unwanted deaths. I wish my luck upon all victims of this horrid choice made by the selfish, unjust, and ungrateful leader of Japan. I wish I enlisted in the navy and got assigned to that naval base. Even if I died, nor anything else horrible that would happen to me. I would rather be killed any way instead of those brave Men, Women, Children, And of the greatest of all, the People on the ships. I will never ever let anything even close to this happen, again

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