Wednesday, May 8, 2013

F.D.R - Hero or Villian?

It's about time F.D.R. joined the war. Maybe now they will decide to help the Soviets like they are supposed to! He is more a villain than a hero to me. I mean, standing up for a greedy capitalistic government?! It's outrageous. I think the American people deserve better. He's been sitting on his lazy tush watching the war as if it were some film until he is attacked. Aren't we supposed to be allies? Isn't he supposed to have our backs? Instead, he just had his own. He is a selfish man, but I'm  glad he finally decided to join in on all the "fun". A little help can't hurt. Hopefully it will be a "date which will live in infamy" as Roosevelt stated. But I must warn you, Axis powers, we are coming full speed. No stoplights, No traffic. Just you and me, my friend. I'll see you at your death bed.

Yours Truly,
      Vasily Zaytsev

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