Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Respose to Anne Frank/Ira Hayes

Everything you said in you post was correct. The Jews are dying by bullets, and are digging their own graves. They have gone to ghettos and have been gassed in concentration camps. Germany is not killing just to kill, we have a purpose. They are an insufficient people with many years of history that will be destroyed by this extermination. They are, as I said before, menial to every other German citizen. They were taking up our "living space". And like all who take up our "living space," they had to go. The quickest way to kill them was to gas them, because it was more humane and it didn't cost us one bullet. I do agree with Eva Braun when she says that Hitler does care for others. He cares for all of Germany! And as I said before, do not judge a book by its cover.
To Ira Hayes, you are an American that believes America has a great chance of winning this two-front war. Well, I admire your courage to take on this challenge. Your enthusiasm of your "wooden guns" makes me, actually, kind of proud not to be an American. Then again, it was a while ago since I was being trained for the first World War. You gave me a good laugh when I read your post because of this statement.
I will give you some advice. Look at your Allies: Great Britian, Russia, France... Now look at the ones your against, the Axis: Germany, Japan...especially Japan with their enthusiasm against you. Which will lead you to vistory: the places Germany and Japan have conquered, or the place you can be free from harm?
-Erwin Rommel

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