Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Response to Eva Braun

I hope you are not too busy to read this. It might help you understand what is going on these days. First of all, I wasn't lying. Hitler has been killing millions of Jews with the help of the Nazi Party. This has been going on before this war started. There are many stages to it though. He has been killing them with just bullets, he has made them dig their own graves that they would die in later on, he has also made them terrible places to live called "ghettos", and when that was taking to long he put almost all the Jews he could get in concentration camps where he gassed them later. You probably know all of this, but just to make sure. I just don't understand why you would pretend like you don't know what is going on when you have been around Hitler for a while now. Or at least that is what I have heard. You are delusional to think that none of this ever happened. Have you ever wondered what Hitler has been doing these past years? Or have you just been trying to get his attention some more by almost killing yourself? He has been killing millions of innocent people and destroying almost all of Europe to get "living space". When America is officially in this war, Hitler will pay for what he has done, hopefully. The Americans haven't done anything before and they knew what has been going on in Germany, why don't you? I bet you know every little detail about the German's war plan, but you are too afraid to admit that you have known what has been going on and that you still are in love with Hitler. I fear you will not open you eyes and that will get you in much trouble later on. Please see what Hitler has done, You are a nice, young women, but you don't understand the pain when you hear that one of your family members has gone missing, and then find out a few months later that they have been killed in a concentration camp, which is watched over by the Nazis. Thank you. 
Anne Frank 

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