Saturday, May 18, 2013

Response to Editorial #7

HE must be stopped! Adolf Hilter is a monster. While we have all been aware of him as a problem, it's safe to say he has gone off the deep end. If Mr.Hilter thinks that the Jews have to be compeletely wiped out, he needs help. All of Germany's problems are not cause of the Jews, merely what Germany has done to itself. With the help of Adolf Hilter, Germany is ruined. With all the good, and amazing culture and family they had, everything is gone. This is NOT the cause of the Jews, all the problems lead back to Hilter. He is cruel, demanding, self righteous, and frankly, he is insane. He wants the Jews to be a myth, a rumor. Someone that is a horror story and that never existed. If we do not stop him now, he will win. The Jews will be gone, our world a terrible place. Full of hatred and longing to kill. Think of the children, if we do not stop him what will they think? That it's okay if you destroy someone, it's okay to hurt people who are different? Well guess what, it's not. We are a family, all of us. We need to protect and depend on each other. For if we are not together, we are alone. And if we are alone we have no purpose. We CANNOT let him destroy us. We must be strong and fight back, for all those Jews and their families. Because whether we like it or not, they are a part of us. And we are a part of them. We must realize that when we are destorying them, we are also, little by little, destroying ourselves. I must bid you a farewell brothers and sisters. Until next time.

                                                                                                                     Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                             Albert Einstein ;P

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