Monday, May 20, 2013

Response to #9

Sorry I haven't posted earlier, the Nazis almost found my typewriter and I had to hide it somewhere. 

America! We need you! Please, your president has suggested to join this second world war, but you haven't joined yet! I'm sure you all will, but we need you as soon as possible! 
Japan is a threat to the Allies but can't do much to us in France.  Why would they attack a country that doesn't have an effect on the war?  I'm sure they know how to navigate in the tropical Pacific islands, but I'm not so sure that the Allies can.  Germany is even more of a threat under the power of Rommel.  They definitely are geniuses when it comes to tanks and other military weapons.  They have so much land, it's almost pointless to try to get it back.  Charles De'Gaulle, please try too get help from England.  Supplies in the Resistence are limited.
Vive la France!

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