Sunday, May 12, 2013

To Hitler

I completely agree with your actions on the jews, but I advise you to be careful on which you are focused more on, destroying the jews or defending Germany. I understand your feelings for the jews I can relate to such a large problem. Japan is loosing many greate soldeirs, but our cause has not died. I fear if Germany our influencer falls the spirit of Japans soldeirs will fall with it. However Japan will fight with honor and not give into the United soldeirs, we have lost many battles and won many. However I fear that our losses are far greater than the U.S. My people begin to loose hope that America can be defeated, or stopped from destroying Japan. If you have anything you feel Japan should do that might help I am listening. I can not help but feel lost if Germany is gone, Japan will be alone in a long and deadly war with the U.S.
                                                                                                                         -Hideki Tojo

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