Saturday, May 18, 2013

Response to Editorial #7

Dear Kitty, As I said before the Germans are killing the Jews in massive groups. This has been happening for a while, and now everyone is starting to hear about it. A lot of Jews have dies already and I'm sure there are more to come. The Americans aren't doing anything about it and their president knows about this situation. It is terrible to think that a group of murderers have been murdering millions of people and people know about it, but they don't do a single thing about it. They just sit back and worry about their own buisness. I'm not sure if my friends are alive or if they are in the concentration camps. It is scary to think that all this is happening under one person's control. I have heard that America is the strongest competitior, other than Great Britain of course, and if they get into the war, hopefully this will all be over. But I'm not so sure. This war could go on for a couple more years. Hopefully, all my family and more Jews and other cultures are safe and alive till the end of this horrific war. Until tomorrow.
Your, Anne Frank

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