Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ira Hayes' response to editorial #6

To everyone,
I am not all sure if I believe President, Franklin is a "hero or villain". To support the "hero's" opinion, Mr. Roosevelt was trying to protect the country from further attacks by putting the American-Japanese citizens in labor camps. Everyone heard how the Japanese military gained intel on the Pearl Harbor, they took photos of the whole area while pretending to be  tourists. FDR did not want that to happen again. You cannot criticize him for taking the necessary precautions to furthermore protect our nation. He helped the British by signing the Lend-Lease Act to supply any allies with guns lent form the U.S. Now, to support the "villain's" argument, I do see how you could blame him for not trying to cease the attack on Nanking but he did freeze the Japanese's oil account. After all, it would have most likely stopped the future attack on Pearl Harbor. Mister Roosevelt could have at least given or even sold, decent air fighters to the British for support.

                      Written by  your worried friend, Ira Hayes.

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