Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Response to Editorial #6

Franklin D. Roosevelt is a hero is my opinion. This is a tender subject because many people have many different opinions. I mostly agree with Mr.Roosevelt, though he is sometimes delayed. I believe that he, as a man, is strong and brave. His integrity is inspiring. We need to stop judging this people for a moment and realize that we are all human. We all make mistakes and have the opportunity to make up for them. But before we go and judge him, let us first put ourselfs in his shoes. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the president of the United States of America. This is a role in which you're expected to be perfect. Sometimes we overlook the picture and focus on the details. If every once in a while we step back and look at the whole picture, will we be happy with what we see? When we are caught up in life's advantages and short cuts, do we realize that we are all equals? We, as the human race, need to come together and solve our problems rationally. I admire Mr.Roosevelt for his intution and patience, but we ALL need to be that way. We can not just depend on everyone else for our country's problems, when they are our fault. FDR has showed that even in our time of hardships, nothing is greater than love. If we can get past all this hatred and darkness in our world, it would be a beautiful place. Until then, my dear family, know we all have faults and NONE of us are perfect. Until next time.
                                                                                                                                  Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                                      Albert Einstein ;P

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