Saturday, May 4, 2013

My beloved Irene,
        I spend my days fighting and killing.  The men in my regiment are advanced and logical but I feel as if I am not where I should be.  I wake in the night thinking of my other life.  My thirst for experiment grows deeper daily as I watch pain and death all around me.  I am to be so much more.  I feel as though I could have an impact on the world.  This is a feeling I can not deny.  It haunts me day and night. 
        I know you are thinking of me.  I write letter after letter praying they reach you.  For now I spend my time with these men who could lose everything.  They live in fear.  Irene, I do not fear death.  Please do nor let this alarm you.  Death is inevitable.  It is the events leading to death where we make our mark in life.  Having a hand in those events would complete me.  Men can not help being changed by this war, mentally and physically. The war...the not changing me.  Above all things I feel curious; curious in the ways of life and death.
Sending my kisses

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