Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Editorial #6 - FDR - Hero or Villain?

Today we discuss the American President - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Once in a while, a leader comes along that changes their country - revolutionizes and motivates their people.  In the opinion of the Daily Mirror, FDR is not this person.  He was to slow to act when Japan was attacking Nanking.  He waffled back and forth and waived his neutrality flag while country after country fell to the Nazi war machine.  Britain's own people were living underground
during the Battle of Britain while German airplanes relentlessly bombed the men, women, and children - and what does FDR do?  With his mouth, he rages on about the free world and the threats of fascism while with his hand, he signs the Lend-Lease Act.  Indecision WAS his decision.  He has placed his own Japanese citizens in internment/detention camps.  He has taken too much power within his own government and has used it for his own gain - and he has the nerve to preach about the will of democracy? 

The Daily Mirror fully supports America.  They are our trusted ally.  However, the Daily Mirror believes that the American people deserve better.

Readers - I'm anxiously awaiting your responses.

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