Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My dear friend explain me this please

Erwin Rommel, I know that you are not a politician but you should consult one my dear friend. You said that Germany does not want to get its beliefs mixed up with another so what measures are you willing to take to make that possible? Why are you moving Jews away from their homes and families why are they being herded like a bunch of animals? What is your plan for those other human beings? Why is that nasty propaganda going out about the Jews? What happens if Germany takes over a country like Poland what will happen to all the Catholics within its borders? Erwin  I realize that you never said I hate Jews, but you were there when Hitler had his speech about the extermination of the Jews and i am pretty sure that you said " HILE " after Hitler did or you would not be around. You would probably be doing what all the Jews are doing right now. Which is being "taken care of" courtesy of Hitler himself.

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