Saturday, April 20, 2013

Japan the Heros of the Far East

Japan is a country where honor is more valuable than life. This has made them one of the most unpredictable countries, and one of the most fearful. Though they are small, they are not afraid to pick a fight. Like when they justly invaded China and killed thousands; the thought of death did not even cross their minds. Japan is also a country that has the power, the fearlessness, and the military strength to stand up against the wretched United States of America. The desire for power is growing ever more strongly, and the willingness to fight just the same. Most of the American people are puny helpless pacifist that would put a blanket around the earth so that no one would have to fear at night. Without fear there is no controlling our enemies and the ones who want to kill us. But why would they do this? Democracy? This government has corrupted America, and if we do not do anything about it, it will ruin us. The time to act is now. There will be war, and America is going to be the one to fall. “Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hand, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.”
                Benito Mussolini

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