Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rommel's response to Editorial #2

I do not like the horrors that are happening in Japan. Taking over Manchuria was one way of exersizing imperialism, but I do not agree with killing thoudands of citizens in such a brutal way to show their countries power over the people. And how can they "not have received enough of an award" from the Versailles Treaty. Germany gave up practically everything bcause WW1 was blamed on us, and they think they didn't get enough?

Recently, on August 25, I was promoted to rank of General, but my promotion has been held back by Hitler until the 1st of June. I have also recently written a letter to my wife, Lucie, saying "I am together with Hitler very often, even in the most intimate discussions. It means so much to me that he confides in me -- far more than being promoted to general." (I am very happy in myself for remembering the exact wording of my letter, even though I did write it onle five days ago.)

As I said before, Lucie is my wife, and I love her very much. I also have a son named Manfred Rommel. He is a good boy. He is 10 years of age, and almost 11. He will turn eleven on December 24. I love my family, but seeing them is hard to do with my current position in the army, so I often send letters to Lucie and Manfred telling them what is going on in my days.
Thanks, Rommel

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