Saturday, April 27, 2013

I am sick of this! Japan can't do what they are doing. Their leader needs to rethink his dicisions. For this is the second time that they have invaded China. What is the piont of killing millions of citizens. If you have a large, strong army, what are a bunch of schoolchildren and their parents really going to do to you. I think, that if Japan has this happen to them, they would realize that what they are doing is wrong, or at least, that they would recognize that something that they are doing is not moral. I think that they have all of china in terror, and is that reallly what they want? Plese tell me, Hideki Tojo, for some people would say "give me five good reasons" and that sways their thinking, but i'm sorry, but if you give  me five reasons, my mind will not be changed, for this is wrong.
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister

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