Thursday, April 18, 2013

Eva Braun- Editorial #1

     How dare you even suggest that my Adolf should be feared! Adolf has the biggest heart, oh how he just loves children and animals, he believed in their innocence and truth. It sometimes even seems that he likes his big old dog Blondy more than me. Oh hehe, no that is silly! He loves me almost as much as I love him.
    I was in Munich ten years ago, I was 17 and modeling for Adolf's personal photographer, I still remember when my eyes first met his: big, beautiful and so blue.
    But anyways, I'm getting way off topic. It's just that whenever I think of him (which is all of the time) I just completely forget about the rest of the world; time just stops.
    I just cannot fathom anyone's motive to dislike my Adolf; he wouldn't hurt a fly.
    I am not too big into politics but I know that if my Adolf has no problems with other races because, well, I never joined the Nazi party, as a matter of fact I am an active supporter of the Regime. 

    Oh, and I almost forgot! Please DO NOT tell anyone about my whole relationship with Hitler because he doesn't want the public to find out. As he always says, "I'm married to the German people and their fate." He drives me crazy sometimes ;)

Forever and always,
Eva Braun

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