Tuesday, April 16, 2013

De Gaulle to Editorial 1 - A Dog that Bites is a Dog that Bites...

Fellow citizens, this is Colonel Charles De Gaulle checking in from France. 

As a career man and veteran of the Great War, I have to agree with the Daily Mirror when I say that I believe most nations of Europe will do ANYTHING to avoid another conflict. 

In the Great War, I saw pure carnage - the Marne, Verdun, and I was captured by the Germans.  In my five - yes five, unsuccessful attempts to escape, I found the Great War to be the worst human experience in the history of civilization. 

I do have concerns about Germany, though.  The movement they have created is something...almost majestic.  The people of Germany are hypnotic and on fire.  The tidal wave of power that the Nazi Party has churned up in the German people is awe-inspiring and truly awesome...and terrifying. 

The League of Nations is a group of feeble buffoons.  Neville Chamberlain is the most wicked and disgusting excuse for a man as he continually appeases Germany's demands while other countries like Austria lose their independence.  As long as they continue to tuck-tail and run from Germany, I will have concerns.  Is my country guilty of appeasement?  Yes!  I must share the disgrace, but it is not my decision to make.  My decisions will only matter if there is blood to be spilled. 

My conclusions - a dog that bites is a dog that bites.  I believe Hitler will be aggressive, if needed.  For now, countries are simply laying down and letting him walk all over them.  If you believe he isn't capable of re-writing history, you're naïve at best and dead at worst. 

Oh, and the Daily Mirror has the advantage of being far away from Germany.  Dear Editor, you might feel differently if you had to be this country's neighbor!  It's easy to say that Hitler's movement is all "hoopla" when you're far away.

Helene Delattre,  I hear your depravity and concerns for France.  Our independence has been violated time and again.  We now live in the shadow of the most powerful phenomenon ever to encounter us - the Nazis.  I promise you that I will be first to defend France - WITH TEETH - if they ever set a boot on French soil!

Vive la France!

~Charles De Gaulle

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