Tuesday, April 16, 2013

August 26th, 1939 - Adolf Hitler - Friend or Enemy?

My name is Vasily Zaytsev. I am a Soviet Sniper, 24 years old. Only three days ago, Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler signed the German-Soviet nonaggression pact. Having Stalin as my leader, I am to respect and trust his decisions. Although I wasn't the one to sign the pact and shake hands with the man, I believe Hitler is a strong leader and a trustworthy man. As of now, I trust Adolf Hitler, following in my leaders footsteps and in no way do I mean harm to him or his people.

If you are unaware of the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, it simply consists of two parts:

1. An economic agreement provided that Germany would exchange manufactured goods for Soviet raw materials.
2. Ten year nonaggression pact which each signatory agreed and promised to avoid attacking each other.

I do not understand why Adolf Hitler is already considered a threat. He has done nothing but gain power and you are too weak and fearful only because you expected Germany to be humble, not powerful! If you believe you have the right to criticize Hitler, be sure you are not standing in a shadow, trembling in fear from the aggression and strength Hitler is gaining. Although many disagree with his racial acts, he is only separating for what he believes is best. You may have your opinion, but he also has his. Respect Adolf Hitler until you can provide me with an understandable, sensible reason for him to be considered a threat.

Yours Truly,
      Vasily Zaytsev

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