Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Introduction Post

Hi everyone I am F.D.R. I am the president of the (48) United States of America. I am 63 years old and wheelchair bound. I address this situation in Europe as something that could be drastic but shaping the world as we know it in a different shape like maybe the world may become a square. This is nothing to be worried about, in my eyes it is what a country is doing to regain its former glory and getting back on there feet what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It very much like what is still happening in america. Only Adolf Hitler is much more supported by his people than i have come to see from mine. The only thing i can see is something going terribly wrong like a racist action or feelings towards Jews. In that case that kind of power can go wrong in so many ways, but it probably will not happen because no one wants another world war. This is nothing to sit by and watch though. Everybody should be on there guard just in-case something happens that may lead to war.

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