Sunday, May 5, 2013

Maggie Pearl Harbor

Wow. I am in complete shock. The attack on Pearl Harbor was completely unexpected and uncalled for. It was a Sunday morning just like any other when the sound of planes and bombing woke me up. My fellow nurse-in-training yelled at the top of her lungs, “Everybody get to the hospital!” without even thinking, I was out the door in a full sprint to the hospital. As we ran, we faced an obstacle course of traps set by Japan.  We stumbled over bodies and dodged explosions. We begged everyone along the way that wasn’t wounded to help us out at the hospital. The second we walked into the hospital, we were given patients and a medical kit. There was so many patients that we ran out of beds and some patients had to be cared for on the floor. There were not enough nurses to tend to all the patients so some patients died before they were even assigned a nurse. This day has changed my life and will change the lives of many.

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