Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

leaving the whitehouse

Dear everybody,
My husband is still dead yes, and because of that I must leave the Whitehouse. I have one week left to pack. It kills me to have to leave all my fellow friends here, but what hurts me most of all is knowing that a terrible monster has killed my dear dear husband, Franklin Roosevelt! If I am still here I will be chatting next time.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Response to Franklin

You are right. We have a reason to fight. We are protecting our homelands now. America is on the attack. We are on the defense. Our motherland will not be overrun by the Nazi weaklings. Russia is too harsh for these weak Nazis to withstand. They can undergo the tests of Africa, but not the brutality of Mother Nature in The Soviet Union. We know the land. We know the weather. The Germans have a different life style. They do not stand a chance in our lands. Moscow will remain standing. It will stay with the Russian people. If they do conquer Moscow, they have over half of Russia to still get to after that to achieve their goal. They may pray to their God, but he will not help you in the upcoming events. The Russian people are stronger than ever, and if they decide to oppose me, consequences will come; not as severe as what will happen to the Germans after this of course.

Once again, Long Live the Motherland.

To Ira Hayes

These subhuman’s came into our land, Hitler’s land. They practice liberalism and capitalism that has the potential to make them successful, wealthy, and powerful. We don’t need or want them to have power. Hitler is the leader and the powerful one. He is the one with the great plans and ideas. Look at today, Jews being exterminated. The words taste like honey. I have heard people call me insane and that I have no idea of what I am doing. But, Ira Hayes, if you see what I see everyday… do what I do everyday you would understand.
I have a vision, above any vision of any of you bottom feeders. This camp, the gathering of Jews and Hitler is making it possible now! Perfection.
All of my children are sons and daughters of these inferior people. They grow up learning their ways. Their doctrine is just another way to set my teeth on edge.
No one will miss them and no one will be brave enough to stop us! They come to Germany and decide to take over! They seem harmless but they are evil. They act so innocent and faithful meanwhile they are plotting and reproducing to grow their wealth and change the Germany we know is the right Germany. They disgust me.
So, yes they deserve it! They all deserve it! Death for each and every one of you who dare challenges Hitler. Challenges Germany! There is NO God and there is no Mercy. Germany must be perfect… and perfect it will be. The first step of this is to demolish you who soil our sidewalks, our buildings, and our land.
Ira Hayes, I am not the blinded one for my eyes have just been opened and my life goal has been nearly reached. Ira, give no pity to them. Sympathy is just another way of giving up. All those who sympathize with them might as well be here in the camp crying along with every Jew as they walk cold, naked, and bleeding towards the gas chambers. Tears streaming down your cheeks as you wonder what will happen next. As the gas comes out drowning and suffocating you. AS you realize this your death, and your family will soon encounter this too.
Then…it all goes…black, and Germany has been cleansed again. 

I agree Hideki

I agree with you Hideki. The Axis powers are all about speed and fast attacks and stuff like that. We are adopting the same method in a way except that we are going to do things fast and ferociously for a different cause. We do it to save the Jews from those awful extermination camps. We do it for all the POW's who are treated very badly. We do it all for the people starving and freezing to death by your and Erwin's hands. Those who you put bamboo under their finger nails and kill them with lots of pain. My people are hopping islands like rabbit's and are producing several tons of war materials in very short amounts of time. Some people have to run two jobs for the war effort not for their families. It is all going to a good cause for our troops. The Allies are getting stronger.

Stay safe, Stay healthy, Stay fighting

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I disagree

I do not think the axis powers forces are not as stronge as they used to be, I think they have become stronger and more productive. I hope that you can see our strengh rather than underestamate us and be easily deafeted.

Respose to Anne Frank/Ira Hayes

Everything you said in you post was correct. The Jews are dying by bullets, and are digging their own graves. They have gone to ghettos and have been gassed in concentration camps. Germany is not killing just to kill, we have a purpose. They are an insufficient people with many years of history that will be destroyed by this extermination. They are, as I said before, menial to every other German citizen. They were taking up our "living space". And like all who take up our "living space," they had to go. The quickest way to kill them was to gas them, because it was more humane and it didn't cost us one bullet. I do agree with Eva Braun when she says that Hitler does care for others. He cares for all of Germany! And as I said before, do not judge a book by its cover.
To Ira Hayes, you are an American that believes America has a great chance of winning this two-front war. Well, I admire your courage to take on this challenge. Your enthusiasm of your "wooden guns" makes me, actually, kind of proud not to be an American. Then again, it was a while ago since I was being trained for the first World War. You gave me a good laugh when I read your post because of this statement.
I will give you some advice. Look at your Allies: Great Britian, Russia, France... Now look at the ones your against, the Axis: Germany, Japan...especially Japan with their enthusiasm against you. Which will lead you to vistory: the places Germany and Japan have conquered, or the place you can be free from harm?
-Erwin Rommel

I No Longer Want to Live

Emotional Check-In:

I have seen my best friend fall to his feet, blood flowing from him. I have seen a bullet strike a human's fragile body. I have seen one man, one "leader", kill thousands of innocent people. I have seen weak men and women tortured. I have seen murder. I no longer want to see.
 I have heard the cries of infants who are alone. I have heard a bullet puncture a body. I have heard a terrifying screech of a women who is about to die. I have heard the explosions which ended many lives. I no longer want to hear.
 I have tasted the snowflakes that constantly fall from the sky. I have tasted blood, but not my own. I have tasted gas which leaves a burning sensation throughout my body. I have tasted dirt continuously being kicked up to my mouth. I no longer want to taste. 
I loved my best friend. Dead. I loved my family. Dead. I loved my comrades. Dead. I loved my friends. Dead. I loved my home. Demolished. I no longer want to love.
I must keep moving forward.

Goodbye, everyone.

Yours Truly,
    Vasily Zaytsev


Dear colleagues,
I admire ALL your determination. Being with all of you in this process has been a great experiment. I believe that sometime in the future I will try it again, but maybe in a different format. Anyway, I would just like to congradulate you all on your achievements. Some of you have done great and respected your morals, while others have done...... interesring. To those of you out there without your morals, pick them back up. It is not too late to use your morals and be a just person. I try to see the good in all of you, even if it is buried deep down inside of all that hate. I shall see to it that I keep in touch, and learn from this opportunity. Until next time.
                                                                                                                                 Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                                        Albert Einstein;P

Response to Eva Braun

Dear Ms.Braun,
I understand that Adolf Hitler is, somewhat human, but do not deny the truth. You state that him killing the Jews is false, when in reality that is one of the only truthful things about him. If you continue to belive his lies, be my guest. But we are taking him down. As I warned you before, you can still escape. If not you will be destroyed as well. I never wanted this, and I still do not. I dispise hatred and grief, but now Adolf must be abilterated. If you do not believe what he is doing, find out. Look at photographs, ask people, even go with Adolf to the camps. If you are noble Ms.Braun, which I for some strange reason seem to believe, you will do justice. Make your family and your country proud. Or even in the smallest sense, make yourself proud. I bid you a do. Until next time.
                                                                                                                              Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                                       Albert Albert Einstein;P

I Apologize...

For all those offended by my post, "Perfect", I was just telling it how it was. It was not pretty, it was not fun, but it was... perfect. It was only a true story. It was only real life. It was only what many soldiers are going through. It was only death. It was only the end of their lives. It was only war. Right? I apologize for any disturbance or misunderstanding. I only wanted you to be aware, that is all.

Yours Truly,
      Vasily Zaytsev

Response to Editorial #9 (part two)

Hi again
This time I agree with the daily mirror. Like what Winston Churchill has said about Germany, the Japanese have a very passionate spirit about going to war. Their spirit is a little too high; they are almost getting caught up in how good they think they are or in a short word, "overconfident". The United States will have a tough time fighting the Germans with their Allies but will have an even harder time fighting the passionate Japanese army by themselves while fighting the Germans. As I have already stated, I have just started my training to be a paratrooper and I have a guess that I will be placed on the Pacific Theatre. Although the Japanese have a strong spirit, we have an even stronger cause because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Yes, I do know that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt has not supported the war or our country much but we do not need him to fight like brave solders. I believe we will be success -filled by the end of this war because we are AMERICANS!    

                                                GO MURICA!                                                    From, Ira Hayes 

To all of the Axis,
I have now come to believe that you are now losing strength. Your troops are slowly being stopped, and now losing morale. I hope that you can see that this could very well end up like world war one. I wish that The other prime minister had accomplishes the feat of not letting you go to war, and convincing you that war was not the right idea. Your troops have met a very formidable tank, the T34, and your Luftwaffe has not really stopped that much. They could not get past the "small" Royal Air Force. I think that this happened because we British had something to fight for, our homeland, and yo udidnt really have anything to fight for, just to take some more land. I hope that you have also seen that you are fighting a war on two fronts, and the Japaneese have not really made much of an attempt to help you. No one has won a war on two fronts. I would surrender to one of them, and be done with it. You are losing a lot of troops in Russia, I would pull out of there. I encourage you, but it is your own freedom to make your own mistaked. Just some advise.
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
To Ira Hays,
I can see what you mean by Ammerica is in better fighting shape than Germany. I am sure that the flying stampoint is true. Germany has lost most of their excellent fighters, and like Russia, the new recuits are not extremly well trained. But Germany has a very good fighting spirit. i feel by looking at their progress that they could fight as long as they have one man, one gun, and one bullet. I do however, agree that the allies are slowly making progress on the German war machine. We have slowed them down, and I can not imagine that the German troops have as high morale as when they started the war. I am very glad now that my people can feel some sense of security. I do think that fighting with wooden guns is poor training, seeing that you cant really get any target practise, bu I guess that it is better than no training at all. I wish you, America, Russia, and all of the allies the best of luck.
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister.

Response to Eva Braun

I hope you are not too busy to read this. It might help you understand what is going on these days. First of all, I wasn't lying. Hitler has been killing millions of Jews with the help of the Nazi Party. This has been going on before this war started. There are many stages to it though. He has been killing them with just bullets, he has made them dig their own graves that they would die in later on, he has also made them terrible places to live called "ghettos", and when that was taking to long he put almost all the Jews he could get in concentration camps where he gassed them later. You probably know all of this, but just to make sure. I just don't understand why you would pretend like you don't know what is going on when you have been around Hitler for a while now. Or at least that is what I have heard. You are delusional to think that none of this ever happened. Have you ever wondered what Hitler has been doing these past years? Or have you just been trying to get his attention some more by almost killing yourself? He has been killing millions of innocent people and destroying almost all of Europe to get "living space". When America is officially in this war, Hitler will pay for what he has done, hopefully. The Americans haven't done anything before and they knew what has been going on in Germany, why don't you? I bet you know every little detail about the German's war plan, but you are too afraid to admit that you have known what has been going on and that you still are in love with Hitler. I fear you will not open you eyes and that will get you in much trouble later on. Please see what Hitler has done, You are a nice, young women, but you don't understand the pain when you hear that one of your family members has gone missing, and then find out a few months later that they have been killed in a concentration camp, which is watched over by the Nazis. Thank you. 
Anne Frank 

remembering peral harbor

At first, we thought that they were Air Force planes flying maneuvers. Pretty soon a runner came with orders to send every man who could walk and carry a riffle back to his company. The guys all heard him, got their uniforms, and left. The ones on crutches stayed behind to help me. One sergeant was such a nice-looking man, and he was hurt so badly. I asked him, “Paul, what can I do for you?” and he gently motioned across the room and said, “My buddy needs you.” This truly touched my heart because he cared so much about his friend. I watched from the balcony as men ran out of their barracks to fight, knowing full well that by the end of the day, every one of them would be a hero. A lot of people think that I’m foolish to relive all of this, but I do it so that the men who can’t speak for themselves will not be forgotten.

Vasily Zaytsev

Dear Vasily Zaytsev,
I understand your need; the date is January 12th of 1942.
                        Ira Hayes

Response to Editorial #9 (part one)

To everyone, 
I do not believe in the daily mirror's opinion. One reason I do not  agree is because the newly growing nation of the U.S. was supposed to lose the revolutionary war against Great Britain. Weren't they? The U.S. was barley equipped with any weapons. Then they will surely win against Germany especially if when they have Great Britain, Russia, and France on their side. America is in better shape than at least Russia. Russia doesn't even offer training or decent weapons while the United States has wooden guns. I am currently training to be a paratrooper in the marines and training with wooden guns is not that bad as it sounds. Overall, in my opinion, I think the U.S. is in more than decent condition with fighting against Germany. Germany has been slowly losing power ever since they had attacked Britain but failed and lost most of their decent supplies during one of the largest offensive in history, Operation Barbarossa. I wish America and the other Allies fighting Germany my best of luck,
                 From, Ira Hayes

In Response to Mrs.Nikton and Mr.Rommel

Mrs. Nikton,
Well, you are awfully brutish! You are very gutsy, aren't you, to just make the accusation that I am mad, that I am just insane! You have no earthly idea of how much I've been through these past few years, how much Adolf has been through! I try so hard to lift up my Adolf's spirits but lately he has just been so terribly depressed, I'm racking my brains to think of ways to lift his spirits. Just please show some sensitivity and if you can't do that than at least cut me some slack.  
     Let me just ask you something Mrs. Nikton, are you by chance married? Have you been married? Perhaps you have even a little friend? I ask you this because you give me a hard time for falling in love with Adolf. But, I would like you to know that I am just a ordinary girl who happened to fall in love with one of the most powerful men in the world. God works in mysterious ways, Charlotte.

Mr. Rommel,
Thank you! I have been waiting for someone with brave soul like yours to agree with me! Yes, judging a book by its cover, that is precisely what it is like! He is absolutely willing to sacrifice ANYTHING for the citizens of Germany. Even though, Adolf has made some bad choices throughout this journey of his leadership, I will proudly stand by him through it all. I thank you once again Mr. Rommel.
Yours truly,
Eva Braun <3

The Date

Will someone please fill me in on the day today? I've been away from home for so long, I gave up on keeping track. It is very much appreciated.

Yours Truly,
       Vasily Zaytsev

Mrs. Tokyo Rose,

I do not believe you understand my purpose of fighting. I am not fighting to kill, but fighting to protect. I am only fighting so my people will not die, not so my enemy's people will! My goal is not to kill as many people as I can, but to protect as many people I can. Unfortunately, in order to do so, I must stop anything that comes in harms way. I am only one sniper coming from thousands of soldiers who has only one purpose, to PROTECT. And my leader is not killing anyone for fun, extinction, or revenge.. you must be mistaken by Adolf Hitler. My leader is Josef Stalin, a man to his words. A man of loyalty, trust, leadership, and companionship. I nor Stalin would EVER kill for any bad reason.

You are a Japanese women, correct? Aren't you from that country that bombed Pearl Harbor last year? And I'm guessing they had every right to do so, according to you. Think about where you are and who you follow. Think about me and who I follow. There is a major difference. Please reconsider your thoughts of us killing for fun... hypocrite.

Yours Truly,
        Vasily Zaytsev

To Vasily Zaytev

Hello to all and Goodbye
This will my my last post. 
 Dear Vasily Zaytsev,
You sat that you are defending your country, so that gives you the right to kill, I do agree with up you however you are still killing people. One day it will get you back, quickly just like how you shoot down all of our enimies. Why do you even fight for your country when your ruler is killing you for fun. Killing for fun, killing for self defense, killing for extinction, killing for your country, killing for revenge. All of them are the same just with extra words added on to make it seem not as bad. I tell you though killing is killing, blood is blood. You say it's not the same, look again if this doesn't stop soon there will be no more people to kill then what will you do sit around and twiddle your thumbs. I don't think so. There will be nightmares, cold and dark. Nightmares.
Goodbye, I hope you miss me 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tokyo Rose 

Response to Franz Stigler

I'm very sorry for the late response I've just been so incredibly busy.
   Oh, where to begin... well, first of all, you do not understand how terribly rude you are being! I suppose I must say it again, you don't even know him! And you claim that everyone who does know him knows how much of a coward he is. See, that is where you couldn't be more wrong, he is so passionate towards doing the right thing for the citizens of Germany. All of the German people know Hitler and obviously they love him, and I can assure you, the German people aren't brainless. I mean sure, maybe killing the Jews isn't the best choice, but then again a majority of them are just being put to work for the good of the German people.
  Oh, please don't even get me started on poor little Ann Frank! She is full of lies! I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that every single one of her posts are made up in that tiny little brain of hers.

   Okay... I'm sorry that was mean, I went to far... it is just that when people like you make the man I love with all of my heart sound like the biggest jerk in the World I get a bit emotional... I must go now...
-Eva Braun
I am so glad that America joined the war.  All I can hope is that no more lives are lost and that the war will end soon.  It's about time that America joins the war, though.  In the last world war they only joined because they lost lives of their own citizens, not because French and British lives were being lost.  It's the same this time with Pearl Harbor.  I am thankful, but it seems as if they couldn't care less if the war did not effect them.  People of the French Resistence have been working against the Germans, sending pleas for help to America, but they only help themselves.  Charles Degaulle pointed out that our members have been assasinating and spying to make your jobs easier, including myself.  I have attacked and spyed on the Nazis risking my own life yet America joins for themselves.  I am mostly positive that France won't be remembered in this war of death.
Vive la France! I hope...
Hello all,

It seems that the United States has decided to go to war. No I am not happy but it is for the best of our   World. The U.S is in training and the rest of the allies needs us more than ever. We can not I repeat not let hitler win by any means. He is a sick minded man and doesn't deserve all the support he gets from the German people. We can't let the Germans kill any more people! The Holocaust by bullets and killing the Jews was enough! Hitler is half Jew he should understand that killing basically all of half of his culture! Some of these people were the most successful people Germany had! This is complete nonsense and needs to come to an end more than ever.

Until we meet again,

Charlotte Nikont.

maggie nightingale

I just received word that the 2nd world war has just been announced official. I am truly terrified but I do have faith that America and the allied powers can win. We came out of the First World War and I think we can come out of the second. But at the same time, I am worried because my memories haunt me….  My first three patients suffered burns over most of their bodies and shortly died. When I tried to swab one with alcohol for an IV, his entire forearm skin came off. As I recall, my next three patients survived. Sometimes we even had to hold blue paper over the lights, and it was hard to work with light like that. But we got used to it. These things are still what haunt my sleep, but I will try to stay strong. No matter what, I will never forget and I will keep faith in America.

My son.


It seems sadly that my son has decided to go to World War and fight with the U.S. I am proud of my son for making this decision, but is it wise for him to go? I don't want to lose my son, he means the absolute world to me. I know you mothers out there understand how hard it is for me to let my son go out in this ravaging fight against the horrible man and party named hitler and the nazis. I hope you all pray for my beloved son and that he may live and not die. So many people have died already I thus world we don't need more.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Response to editorial 9

Dear Kitty, The Germans are getting very impatient. Finally, America has joined the war! Hopefully they can turn this war around. The Germans are still killing the Jews and they will probably not stop until all of them are gone. Leaving us in existence. America hasn't done anything with that though. They are getting Japan and German back for what they did to Pearl Harbor. I can't blame them. The Germans are getting antsy because they are excited to finally be able to be the Americans. But, I don't think that will happen because even though everyone is calling them tht "sleeping giant", it is a giant and if you wake it up, everything will go down hill. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, they awoke that giant. I want the Americans to turn the war around and hopefully end it, but not destroy our country. Until tomorrow.
Yours, Anne Frank 

To Japan and America

If Hitler has fallen then you and I are the strongest world powers, we will never be defeated. There is no possible way that America will defeat us. As powerful as we are I say that we will run America into the ground, like it was a myth that there was ever democracy. Fascism will rule the world. All that will be ever known will originate from fascism. Fascism will be the form of government that every being will look up to; it will be unstoppable. Every country will convert whether it be agreeing or agreeing by force, especially America. All the people in America are scum, they will never stand up; they will always be eye-level to Franklin D. Roosevelt, they’re worthless leader. If they ever stand they will be shot back down, America does not deserve to be a country it is weak, scared, helpless, immature, and overall crumbled. Because of them Germany, my closest friend, has been ruined from The Great War and in an economic recession. But look at what Germany is today they have strength, fearlessness, are powerful, and are inspired; everything America is not. The Axis have taken over the majority of Europe, there is no way America will ever be able to complete anything of this essence. You, Japan, have demonstrated this. You attacked Pearl Harbor and completely wiped out their hope and military strength. If America is listening you should fear there will be no mercy, you have declared war on us, so now you are considered our enemy. But there is one thing I do not completely understand. If there was to be war, by definition it states that there are two opposing sides that have an equal chance of winning, but America has no chance of winning, so I shall call it a MASSACER!!


Franklin Delano Roosevelt here. Urgent - We have just received word that there was a massive explosion during a Nazi Conference at the Reichstag. Hitler and his top advisors were at the meeting. It appears as though there has been a successful assassination attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler. This may be the end of the Third Reich! The chances that Hitler is dead are very high. It would be devastating if he were still alive. I want to congratulate those who were probed by the Nazi's but still completed the mission. There will be a metal waiting for you when you return to America. The people of America are smart, cunning, and take every chance they get to kill the Third Reich. From the generals and I back home we want to thank you for the risks that you took that payed off. Very good job my very loyal troops.

Thank You Daily Mirror- Editorial #9

Thank you very much for that remarkable, yet true, comment you made about me and my Afrikan Korps. Your statements were quite true of me, my soldiers, and my equipment are very "immaculate" in every way, and very powerful against our enemies. Weapons such a Tiger Tanks and Mg-42s are very unbeatable by any other weapons, especially maybe the US's. I have seen these weapons conquer many, as they will continue to do in the near and far future. America is indeed no match for my Afrikan Korps and my weapons.
As for America, I give them partial respect for going into a two-front war. They are being very courageous because of this act, but, almost sadly, they will not be able to succeed in the feat they are acquiring upon their country. Between the most powerful Germany and the most skillful Japan, they simply cannot win. Referencing back to The Great War (maybe should be called World War One by now), America was the turning point for the war and maybe the worst thing that happened to Germany. I really don't want this to happen again Germany. It would be an insult to me and to my military if we were beaten so brutally like that again. My Goal, hold strong...and keep moving forward.
-Erwin Rommel
My dearest friend, Iwould love to share a letter from passed comrade with you. Please meet my buisness partner at the pitcher's mound on the field at on the day of the 22nd at noon. Thanks, Erwin Rommel
I am sorry, the comments I made on the Stalin predicament, I adressed it to Tokyo Rose. It was not only ment for Tokyo Rose, bur to the rest of the world, and especially Stalin and Vasily. I was responding to what Tokyo Rose said about the Russia Predicament, but I went away from what Tokyo Rose said, and into my own argument with the Soviet Union. Half of what I said was not related to Tokyo Rose. I would like to add that I stilll do not trust Stalin, but I am still fighting with him.
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister, England





Monday, May 20, 2013

Response to Editorial #9

Hello to all of you Orphans fighting in the Pacific, 
How goes it in the humid jungle forest of the islands. Hopping islands like a frog, while praying that you don't get caught alone at night. They'll come any day, any time. Jumping on you out of trees slitting your throat before you can scream and drag you away. Paying to live so they ask for surrender, while they drop a grenade in your hand. Maybe your walking along and suddenly your surrounded by men screaming BONSI! Hearing babies in an old abandoned house, so you go and look for them only to find your death, by exploding right with the babies. Trust no one, there are spies everywhere.

We will never give up, we will never surrender, we will not lose. I hope that brought down you're morale now.
Long live the way of the samurai.
~Tokyo Rose

Response to #9

Sorry I haven't posted earlier, the Nazis almost found my typewriter and I had to hide it somewhere. 

America! We need you! Please, your president has suggested to join this second world war, but you haven't joined yet! I'm sure you all will, but we need you as soon as possible! 
Japan is a threat to the Allies but can't do much to us in France.  Why would they attack a country that doesn't have an effect on the war?  I'm sure they know how to navigate in the tropical Pacific islands, but I'm not so sure that the Allies can.  Germany is even more of a threat under the power of Rommel.  They definitely are geniuses when it comes to tanks and other military weapons.  They have so much land, it's almost pointless to try to get it back.  Charles De'Gaulle, please try too get help from England.  Supplies in the Resistence are limited.
Vive la France!

Response to Editorial #7

I can't believe anyone, even the Nazis, would be so racist!  I've heard rumors that Hitler is part Jew, yet he kills them anyway.  To Hitler and all of you other German scum: Leave them alone.  How would you like it if you and your families were treated as dirt, being made to work, and then being killed.  I'm sure you wouldn't.  Who would?  Is revenge really that important?  In the end revenge will devoure us all.  It's a dangerous game to play.  Another World War can't help the world we live in today.
I am now positive that Hitler is from the devil himself after what they are doing to Jews.  Anne, I hope you can make it through.  Please hold on.  I'm sure Hitler will be defeated because everyone in history like him has. Napoleon and Alexander the Great conquered as much land as Hitler has.  We're trying.

Hitler - Swept Away Like Pig Vomit!

Worry not, citizens of the free world!  Germany's chapter is coming to an end.  As our righteous comrade, Vassily Zaitzev has posted, the Russian morale is far from broken.  The Americans are poised to strike a killing blow to the Axis Powers.  Great things take time.  People are debating here just to hear themselves talk.  In fact, the more I get to know people on the blog, the more I start loving dogs. 

I have a feeling that history books will neglect the role of Free France and the Resistance in this conflict.  Don't forget, we live in the shadow of the enemy.  We carry out assassinations that make your efforts easier.  Helene Delattre and myself carry out covert ops within inches of the Nazi SS. 

Just yesterday, we lured German soldiers into a French theater.  They thought it was time for some R&R away from the front line.  They assumed wrong.  We locked the doors and lit a fire from behind the theater.  All Germans inside burned alive.  Vive le Resistance!

America will get into the fray.  They will be game-changers as they were in the "Great War".  While this war is far from ending, there is only one way it will end.  Hitler has signed his death warrant.

We will not negotiate!  Diplomats are only useful in fair weather.  When it rains, they drown in every drop! 

We will sweep away the Nazis and Vichy France like pig vomit!

Kindest Regards,

Charles De Gaulle

Editorial #9 - January 1942 – Can America Survive a War on Two Fronts?

Fellow Citizens,

A world war is upon us.  Our lives will be rent by noise and flame and our souls will shake with the violence of war!  We are marching headlong into a maelstrom of doom.  The Nazis are unstoppable in the East as they devour miles of Soviet soil each day.  The Japanese have delivered a heavy blow to the U.S. who seem to still be a sleeping giant.   They are training their soldiers with carved wooden rifles!  Do they plan on prodding the Germs to death?!  While Great Britain may have stopped the Nazi advance last year, they are hardly in any condition to begin pushing the Nazis back.  The only hope that democracy has is the United States of America.

They are fighting a war that no nation has ever won – a war on two fronts.   Along with this, the two enemies are total opposites yet equally terrifying. 

The Germans – Under the control of General Erwin Rommel hold everything on the west side of Jerusalem from nearly all of Europe to North Africa.  Rommel’s Afrika Korps are a force that cannot possibly be reckoned with.  Their equipment is immaculate!  Tiger Tanks and MG-42s are two weapons that the U.S. cannot match in their arsenal.  The Daily Mirror’s prediction:  America does not hold a candle to the military forces of Germany.

The Japanese – Armed with some of the greatest planes ever manufactured and a fighting spirit unmatched in all of history.  They are entrenched deep in the islands of the Pacific.  For America to beat the Japanese back, they will have to push Japan’s forces from each of these tiny islands throughout the Pacific.  How will they do amphibious landings and island invasions that have never been attempted?  How will they counter an enemy deeply dug into each island?

Fellow citizens, many questions remain unanswered.  America is stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dear Germany

I have killed people. I have ended lives, but for a purpose. It is my job to kill the enemy. Yes, I do agree our jobs vary, but that shouldn't change the reason why we are killing human lives. Mine is to defend myself, my comrades, and my country. What is yours? What is your excuse to kill Jews? I bet you knew a Jew that you actually liked, maybe even loved, but you still killed them for what? I'm not even sure. I'm just astonished that you have the guts to kill innocent people. Torture innocent people. The Jews aren't even threatening you. They are the most successful people you have. There was no reason for this, only for Hitler to have someone to blame for what is history. Please, anyone, explain to me why you had to do this! Do you think it's right? Are you just clueless? Please! Germans, I WANT ANSWERS!

Yours Truly,
          Vasily Zaytsev

To the Russian people

Stalin's control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost. The people of Russia had to read what the state allowed, see what the state allowed and listen to what the state allowed. The state’s control of the media was total. Those who attempted to listen, read etc. anything else were severely punished. Everybody knew of the labour camps and that was enough of a deterrent. People in Russia who wrote poems and novels and to do the same about Stalin, write poems and novels that gloried him. Many authors and artists became so depressed by this that they either commited suicide or or attempted to leave the country. It is not unusual for stalin to be seen in a white suit so that he would stand out from the rest of the side. His regime of terror caused the death and suffering of tens of millions.
                                                                                                                                          -Hideki Tojo
Tokyo Rose,
I think that you are very right about the way that Josef Stalin is treating his people. It is not right, and it makes him no better than Adolf Hitler, as you said. I feel that he is trying to prove that he has more power than all of his people will ever get, and that he is the supreme overlord of them. For this, and many other matters, i do not trust this man. I believe that i have said this before, but he should not do this, because if he treated others the way he wanted to be treated, he would be buried in a cemetary somewhere in Russia. He is not being very smart with his soldiers either. He is just killing his men, and very slowly moving foward. He is also havivery heavy losses, and a part of them is from his own officers killing their own men. This sometimes makes me think why we are not fighting this man. He is doing the same thing that Hitler is doing. We are fighting hitler, but Russia is fighting for us. I am not saying that the people of Russia are bad, but the man who rules it, and all of his trusted officials are truly evil, just like hitler. This war needs to stop. With these two people, thousands of civillians have been killed. My citizens, Germans, Poles, Russsian, and several other countries form around europe are dieing. Please stop. Stay strong. (Allies)
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister

Eva Braun

I agree with you in the fact that Adolf Hitler is a person, like you and me, and everyone else in the world. He does make mistakes (being with Hitler so much I would know). All leaders make mistakes. Look at President Roosevelt. He cheated to pass his form of "democracy", which is a terrible example for the American people, which is a terrible example for the "white house", let alone the American people. And to know that American people attack Hitler when they should be focusing more on their own leader. You are also right in saying that people think they know Hitler, but they don't. Its like criticizing the cover of a book without reading the book. I know him personally, so I know that he is a very clever, intelligent man, and he is always willing to sacrifice or do anything for the German people. His anti-semetism is just one of his many aspects that is making Germany notorious in this war. He is a very didactic speaker, and obviously knows what we need.
-Erwin Rommel


My  comrade and I hid behind the concrete barriers as we watched the car drive up. Five men came out of the same door. My gun was lined but I didn't dare shoot. They chatted, getting out cigarettes. It wasn't the correct time to shoot yet, not yet. If I committed such a stupid act, I would've killed one man but the other four would come charging.

At the sound of a bomb, I would ready my gun. It would be lined perfectly to my target's forehead. I would hold my breath until the precise moment. The whiz of the bomb would stop just before the explosion would occur.. and a bullet would be shot.

One lies on the ground, blood spewing from his forehead while four continue their conversation, unaware of the death of their friend. Only four more.

Another bomb is fired, another shot is let out. Perfect.

Two lie on the ground, blood spewing from their foreheads while three continue their conversation, unaware of the death of their friends. Only three more.

A third bomb is fired, a third shot is let out. Flawless.

Three lie on the ground, blood spewing from their foreheads while two continue their conversation, unaware of the death of their friends. Only two more.

A bomb is fired, a shot is let out. Impeccable.

Four lie on the ground, blood spewing from their foreheads while one looks around, confused and scared. He sees his friends, the blood puddling under his feet. He is petrified. Only one more.

I stand up, line my gun to his forehead, take a short breath, and shoot. Elegant.

Five lie on the ground, blood slowing as it drips from their forehead while I continue my conversation with my comrade, very aware of the death of five friends.

Perfectly unnoticed.

Yours Truly,
    Vasily Zaytsev

Greetings, everybody. This is your number one enemy. Get ready again for a vicious assault on your morale, 75 minutes of music and news for our friends – I mean, our enemies - in the South Pacific. Okay, here's the first blow at your morale. [MUSIC UP AND UNDER/BUGLE] Here's him singing and singing, "Hey, Pop, I Don't Want to go to war " 

To Stalin
You sat that Hitler is a monster, but when really you were murdering  your own citizens if they went against you, or did something you didn't like. You say you are different from hitler but are you really, because someone who kills is no different from a murder. Your own citizens were running up to the border to greet the German soldiers with flowers from saving them from YOU! "Take the splinter out of your eye first before you take the splinter out of someone's else's eye."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tokyo Rose

Response to "THEY NEED US"

To Mrs. Nightengale,
I have read what you have been going through. I can fully understand what is like to be afraid every day and night, every minute of the day. My faithful people have been bombed, attacked, and in some cases, forced to leave. I have had people leave for the day, and come home to some brick and fire. We have kept going, you have to keep going too. If you let Them get to you, you will be dragged down. Do not let being afraid change you. If you do, like I said, you will become someone different. You will be very troubled. I do want you to know, that I do fully support the allies with everything that I have the power to control. I therefore support you. Keep going. If I were you, I would do something that is not stressing, and relaxing whenever you can. If you're going through hell, keep going.
Winston S. Churchill
Prime Minister, England