Sunday, May 19, 2013

Response to Erwin Rommel

            What did the Jews do wrong? The only reason we are being killed is because of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler didn't want anyone to get in the way...that doesn't mean we did anything wrong. You say that this is what we get! Maybe I have misunderstood you, but I thimk the Jews are a very respectable people and are just believing in their religion. I don't understand why people aren't allowed to believe in  what they want these days. My family and I have been hiding ever since the Germans have been persecuting the Jews. We do not deserve this torture!
              After you said all this terrible things about the Jews, you said that you feel bad for them, for us! If you feel bad for us, why don't you do something to help stop it. But why would you? Because you believe that we are getting what we are supposed to get. Death. That is what we are getting. It is not America's duty to save the Germans, why would they want to help us? It would be nice of them to show the Germans who is the strongest and who can win without killing millions of people that are not strong enough for them, or who don't believe in the same religion their leader does. Hopefully, this war will end soon, and you will see what your people did to our world.
Anne Frank


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