Friday, May 17, 2013

Auschwitz feels like my kingdom! I have finally found a place where I can fill my experimental needs. These Jews deserve everything they get! I stand on this platform everyday and decide the fate of these...subhumans. Seeing them walk by trying not to make eye contact, being ripped apart from their children and thrown in separate lines where they will never see each other again. This is where I feel my true power.
 Bodies are piling up everyday and the smoke from the crematorium keeps coming, but my true joy comes from the TWINS. Two individuals...with the same physical appearance and genetic makeup, lined up waiting to see what becomes of their life by the flick of MY can I not take advantage of that? Removing limbs, doing open-heart surgery, transferring blood from one to the other, and injecting diseases are happening daily, and all to produce results. They can feel every bit of it, the knife cutting through skin, and the needles injecting them with chemicals day after day. Every decision I make gets me one step closer to my goal; pure genetic perfection.
I saw a young boy looking at the line of women heading to the gas chambers one day. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at his soon to be dead mother. I made that same boy run an errand for me. I made sure he would witness his mother's death, and when he came back I asked him, "Do you still believe in God?"
My power is endless. Their only option is to do what I want and pray that one day it will all end by death, and soon. They must suffer. It is the only way to properly conduct my experiments.   Why waist valuable anesthesia and drugs on these animals? Those who go to the gas chambers are counted lucky compared to my twins. Most of them will die, but that doesn't mean I am done with them. For every dead twin there are two more eyeballs added to my collection pinned on the wall. Staring down at the next victim. Waiting...

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