Saturday, May 18, 2013

America & Fear

America is not doing anything because they are afraid of Germany's and Italy's power. America is concerned more about its own self interests and reelecting a stupid leader, that doesn't understand economics, for a third time. They lack courage, military strength, leadership, and the willingness to fight. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a weak, incompetent, and a helpless man that tries to lead a country, but every time he does actually try, he makes it worse. If I were the American people I would join the Axis, so I would least have a chance at surviving. America as a whole is afraid of our power that will prevail against theirs. "Il fascismo, più che ritiene e osserva il futuro e lo sviluppo dell'umanità, a prescindere da considerazioni politiche del momento, non crede né alla possibilità né all'utilità della pace perpetua." Which means "Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity, quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace." 

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